slickaway's thoughts on the matter


I hate crap days.

I had a really awesome day out with Laura yesterday. Shopping all day long is nice. And seeing a movie after is also nice.

And then I FINALLY talked to Conor on Skype again. And that was lovely until he asked my what my expectations were when we are together in February. How does he not know yet? So I said I want us to be together as girlfriend and boyfriend. And then he asked, what about after February? WHAT?!? So I said, we would still be together....

And then I asked him what his expectations were, and he said the were basically the same, but that he didn't want to be too serious until September.

What does that MEAN??

I thought I understood last night, because I said, 'oh, well just no seximafying with other peopel.' and he laughed and said yes...but now I don't know what that all means. So I need to ask him.

And I have only one shift in two weeks for work. ONE. So I need another job...but i'm gone in Feb so I can't get another job. And I'm gone in part of may so I can't get a job there either.

I talked to dad about it and he said that maybe I could work as something like the housekeeper. I agreed because I'm desperate, but I don't know if I like the sound of working at home with my dad on my shoulder as my boss. And cooking and cleaning everyday. This doesn't sound all that great...or feasible.

And I'm looking at university applications and I just want to get them done now and be finished with it, but I don't know what to apply for really.

So basically this has been a crap day. And I've only been awake for 4 hours.

2:50 p.m. - 2010-01-06


what came before - what comes next

The Here and Now

The Time Before

The Sara

The Public

The World is Full of Surprises


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