slickaway's thoughts on the matter


Love is a very strong word.

I don't think I actually love him yet.

All the potential is there. And he is as close to loving a boy as I have ever come. But I don't think I am quite there yet.

I think maybe I was slightly obsessed with him. My days haven't been as dictated by what he is doing as they used to be and I am not spending every free minute on the phone with him. And that is good. I've gotten a little more perspective. It has made me realize that maybe I don't elephant shoes. Not yet. And really, we've only been talking for three months. Yes we slept together, and yes, we've known each other for about 5 months, but I've only really KNOWN him for about 2 of those, and people don't fall in love that fast.

I don't know why, but it sounds like I'm trying to justify myself. But I'm not. I think I'm just happy I realized it. Because it's not a bad thing. I still want to be with him. And I can still feel myself falling in love with him. It's just not quite there yet.

And that's okay.

11:51 p.m. - 2009-12-26


what came before - what comes next

The Here and Now

The Time Before

The Sara

The Public

The World is Full of Surprises


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