slickaway's thoughts on the matter



I've realized that it sounds like I am going to Vancouver just to be with Conor and that the university is a second thought. Like I am choosing this university because it just happens to be the one closest to him.

This isn't the case. I have looked over the programs at all the places I've been considering and I like the look of Vancouver's.

So while he is the partial reason for me to want to move to the city, he isn't the reason I want to go to the school.

Though in the interest of full disclosure, I don't know if I would have had the will to make this all work if I didn't have some sort of pull other than school. I probably would have ended up in Ottawa, or Thunder Bay...Montreal maybe. Those are far enough away from home to be different, but not so far that they are intimidating.

Moving my life to Vancouver is very scary and intimidating and I'm going to try and do it anyway.

3:41 a.m. - 2010-02-10


what came before - what comes next

The Here and Now

The Time Before

The Sara

The Public

The World is Full of Surprises


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