slickaway's thoughts on the matter


Stupid birth control.

I'm looking at the little booklet that comes with my birth control and reading about the side effects and I'm pretty sure I've got at least four.

Change in appetite? Check.

Change in weight? Check...but due to the change in appetite.

Change in libido? Check. I was SO horny the month before I started the pill...and now not really to the same degree. That was not really the kind of birth control I wanted.

Rash? Check. This stupidly persistent rash on my breast of all places is finally going away. Also not the kind of birth control I wanted.

Flatulence. Check. WHY ME??

2:45 a.m. - 2010-02-02


what came before - what comes next

The Here and Now

The Time Before

The Sara

The Public

The World is Full of Surprises


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