slickaway's thoughts on the matter


Remembering Liminality

It's the smell that always brings it back. They aren't lying when they say that smell is the sense that is most tied to emotion and memory.

Every time I am at Jessy's house and catch scent of the air it brings back so many memories of that summer when everything was timeless and perfect. It wasn't perfect in reality, but in comparison to what came after, it was all so easy.

Every breeze of forest air brings back all those feelings and simple memories of summer nights, lingering kisses and stolen moments. Even though I was 20 it was my only real 'teenage romance'; the kind that you remember forever because of it's intensity and ease.

Is it too soon for me to say that it makes me feel young again? No, thats not the right wording. It sends me back to that last amazing month when I was untouched by the ugliness my actions would create and not aware of just how terrible a person I am capable of being. It was that amazing time in the middle of committing an act and paying for it when the repercussions have not yet caught up with you and absolutely everything is going your way.

It was a short-lived time but so, so beautiful.

2:31 a.m. - 2010-10-12


what came before - what comes next

The Here and Now

The Time Before

The Sara

The Public

The World is Full of Surprises


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