slickaway's thoughts on the matter


Is this it then?

Being away is so hard. Being back in this house that doesn't really feel like home anymore and sitting around like I used to. It's so unsatisfying.

Why could I not stay in BC? Why could I have not had that life for longer.

When I was with Suneet, Melyssa and Mark I was happy, yes. But when I'm sitting at home, doing laundry and waking up at 3 pm, I am so miserable.

And being away from Conor, I feel ugly again. I feel large and unattractive, and everything has changed from when I was in BC. I am still the same person in the same body, but I am so much more unhappy.

Writing and deleting, because nothing is coming out right.

I am so unhappy right now. I need a distraction until everything has changed and I'm happy again.

12:19 a.m. - 2009-08-14


what came before - what comes next

The Here and Now

The Time Before

The Sara

The Public

The World is Full of Surprises


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